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Load Data

This module provides functionalities for loading data from various sources, including directories, multiple files, and CSV files. It also includes a utility for cleaning text data. These functions are built upon the LoadData class within the predacons library.


def read_documents_from_directory(directory, encoding="utf-8"):

Reads text documents from files within a specified directory.


  • directory (str): The path to the directory containing the text files.
  • encoding (str, optional): The character encoding of the text files. Defaults to "utf-8".


  • list: A list of strings, where each string represents the content of a text file in the directory.


from predacons import predacons

documents = predacons.read_documents_from_directory("path/to/your/directory")
for doc in documents:

Usage Notes:

  • The function reads all files directly under the specified directory. It does not recursively traverse subdirectories.
  • Ensure that the files in the directory are text-based and use the specified encoding. Incorrect encoding may lead to errors or garbled text.
  • The method internally utilizes the LoadData.read_documents_from_directory method


def read_multiple_files(file_paths):

Reads data from multiple files specified in a list of file paths.


  • file_paths (list): A list of strings, where each string is the path to a file to be read.


  • object: The specific return type depends on the content of the files and how LoadData.read_multiple_files processes them. It might return a list of file contents, a concatenated string, or a more structured data object. Refer to the LoadData.read_multiple_files implementation for detailed return type information.


from predacons import predacons

file_paths = ["path/to/file1.txt", "path/to/file2.txt", "path/to/file3.txt"]
data = predacons.read_multiple_files(file_paths)

Usage Notes:

  • The method internally utilizes the LoadData.read_multiple_files method. The exact behavior of this function depends on the implementation of LoadData.read_multiple_files.
  • Ensure the file paths are correct and the files exist.
  • The function's ability to handle different file types (e.g., text, CSV, JSON) depends on the implementation within LoadData.read_multiple_files.


def clean_text(text):

Cleans the input text by removing unwanted characters or formatting.


  • text (str): The text string to be cleaned.


  • str: The cleaned text string.


from predacons import predacons

dirty_text = "This is some dirty text with\n\n extra spaces and \t\ttabs!"
cleaned_text = predacons.clean_text(dirty_text)

Usage Notes:

  • The method internally utilizes the LoadData.clean_text method. The exact cleaning steps performed (e.g., removing extra spaces, tabs, newlines, special characters) depend on the implementation within LoadData.clean_text.
  • This function is useful for pre-processing text data before training a model or performing text generation.


def read_csv(file_path, encoding="utf-8"):

Reads data from a CSV file and returns it as a pandas DataFrame.


  • file_path (str): The path to the CSV file.
  • encoding (str, optional): The character encoding of the CSV file. Defaults to "utf-8".


  • pandas.DataFrame: A pandas DataFrame containing the data from the CSV file.


from predacons import predacons
import pandas as pd # Import pandas explicitly

csv_file = "path/to/your/data.csv"
data = predacons.read_csv(csv_file)

if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
print(data.head()) # Print the first few rows of the DataFrame
print("Error: Could not read CSV file into a DataFrame.")

Usage Notes:

  • The method internally utilizes the LoadData.read_csv method.
  • Requires the pandas library to be installed.
  • The function assumes the CSV file is properly formatted. Errors may occur if the file is malformed.
  • The encoding parameter is important for handling CSV files with non-ASCII characters. Specify the correct encoding for your file.
  • The returned object is a standard pandas DataFrame, allowing you to use pandas' powerful data manipulation and analysis capabilities.